The Liturgy of Preparation or Proskomedia, literally meaning “offering,” is performed by the priest alone or with assistance of a deacon in the sanctuary before the Divine Liturgy begins. Because the bread, or prosphora, and the wine is prepared, the symbolism involved in this rite sets the tone of the Divine Liturgy that follows.
(Liturgy of the Word)
The catechumens may join the faithful to participate in this beginning part of the Divine Liturgy that consists of incensing, introductory prayer, and the exclamation: “Blessed be the Kingdom of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.” followed by the Great Litany, the First Antiphon, the Second Antiphon, the Third Antiphon (the Beatitudes), and the Small Entrance of the Gospel Books, and the Scriptural readings that completes this portion called the Liturgy of the Word.
(Liturgy of the Eucharist)
This is the heart of the Liturgy that consists of Cherubic Hymn, Cherubic Prayer, the Great Entrance of the Gifts, the Kiss of Peace , the Nicene Creed, Anaphora or the lifting of Christ, the Consecration of the Gifts (Epiclesis), the Commemoration of the living and the dead, the litany of the Gifts, the Lord’s Prayer, the Holy Communion, the litany of thanksgiving, and the dismissal.
Banner art: Stabat Mater by William Adolphe Bouguereau, 1876.